POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures? : Re: Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:47:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Heighfields -are they meshes or 'just' textures?  
From: krus
Date: 14 Aug 2002 09:05:05
Message: <web.3d5a53a1e9a1db2d2f4bd1e30@news.povray.org>
Marc-Hendrik Bremer wrote:
>"krus" <nomail[at]nomail> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> Is heightfields real meshes that can be "exported" to 3ds or .x using this
>> utility?
>I'm no expert in this field, but IIRC the heightfield-primitive is
>internally represented as a mesh. I don't know if this means that the
>special POV can output that though.
>But - there is no need for this. Have a look at the HF_Square-macro in
>shapes.inc the standard distribution of V 3.5. It will build a mesh from a
>user-defined function and may write it to a file. You still will have to
>convert that output as it's unlikely that some other program supports
>POV-meshes directly - but that shouldn't be too hard, if you know the
>description of the format you want to use.
>I hope that helps,

>>Marc thats sound VERY interesting! -But i'm not sure if i understand *s*
Certently i do NOT understand the 'function' keyword in the macro.
This is what i got:

// macros for generating various shapes
#include "shapes.inc"

  #include "colors.inc"
  #include "skies.inc"

//uses output af heightImage som heightImage.bmp

    location <0, 2, -10>

her udelades meget af forgrunden
    angle 0

  light_source{ <10000,10000,-1000000> Red }
  light_source{ <-1000,1000,-10000> Yellow }
  light_source{ <-100,100,-100> White }

height_field {
    //sys "heightImage.bmp"
    sys "textAdv.bmp"
    pigment {White }

    translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>
    scale <17, 1.975, 17>

//(Function, UseUVheight, UseUVtexture, Res, Smooth, FileName, MnExt,
     HF_Square (????, false, false, <1,1>, false, "myMapMesh", 100, 100).

  sky_sphere { S_Cloud4 }

//code end

could you show me what 'Function' could/should be. I've tried whith
x=1, 1*x, 0, x^1, ..all because i do not want the image to change
I get a parse-error with all the abowe
....also the four '????' do not work ;)

Thanks!! for that fast reply Both of you!

regards krus

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